We invite you to submit your prayer request, be it for the nations,
a request for a loved one or friend, co-worker or for yourself.
No prayer request that presses on your heart is considered too trivial
for prayer. We would humbly request that prayers be directed only
to God our Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus, if you feel led to
post a prayer rather than a request.
We reserve the right to remove any other postings that are duplicate,
offensive or demeaning to others, solicit for funds, or give out
phone numbers and mailing addresses.
If you are concerned about giving confidential information, please
consider using anonymous aliases or first names only for those who
are the prayer target as this board is seen by hundreds of people
We also remind you that this prayer board under NEEDS page is seen
by anyone who might pass through the website, therefore, we urge
caution when using your email address.